Ageing is not merely a skin problem. The skin is attached to the facial muscles, consequently when the muscles droop and sag, the skin attached comes down with them.
Q. So what can we do?
A. The only answer is to work the muscles in a structured way, for an amazing natural face lift.
There are about 57 muscles in the face. As we get older, these muscles start to elongate which is why the our face starts to sag and droop towards our necks as we age.
Upper cheek muscles become flatter, nose to mouth lines appear, then go into folds at the mouth corners and drop in to jowls. As we age, eyelid muscles droop.
When you work on these muscles, the cheeks become plumper again, the nose to mouth lines reduce, or even disappear, eyes are lifted and opened.
So the good news is that it is possible to work all the muscle groups of the face for a younger, more toned appearance. As you work the facial muscles it increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the skin which gives you a wonderful flow.
Working these muscles in the correct way gives you a natural Face Lift and wonderful glowing skin.